Friday, October 21, 2011


I've been horrible at updating my blog, I don't know what my deal is, but I need to step it up. I mean I don't even carry a camera with me anymore, and when I do I don't even take pictures. I use to have my camera on me all the time, I'd even have a back up camera just in case. AHHH, i'm really missing out on a lot of memorable things. :(

Life with 3 kids. I think it has been a little easier than I expected, but that's probable due to a few factors. I mean don't get me wrong it's not easy or anything but I was expecting much worse. What has helped is that Tahri was working from home, Tylana was a really good sleeper AND she takes a bottle. I think the hardest part was the first week. Just trying to do too much but not able to because um you just had a baby! But it is hard not to when you have 2 other little ones that demand so much from you. Tylana was a good little sleeper, she would sleep for like 4 to 5 hours at a time so I could leave her home with Tahri most of the time. Breastfeeding would take forever and it was such a pain, because for the first time it was sore and I had two other kids climbing all over me while trying to breastfeed and burp her. The bottle was so much faster, AND Tahri could often help with feeding duties.

Almost 6 weeks later and things are starting to get a little hectic. Because I was so sore I'm not really breastfeeding anymore, once maybe twice a day. With my other 2 breastfeeding was really easy and I never know what people were talking about when they would say they were really sore from breastfeeding. BUT now I do and man does it hurt! Hence not really breastfeeding anymore. I feel really bad about it but it seriously is WAAYY to painful to do. Poor Tylana :( Anyone have any suggestions on how to heal? I don't see how it can be done!

I've felt guilty a lot with my third baby. Guilty about my time, guilty for my Leila girl, guilty about spreading the love, guilty for being so impatient. Oh I can go one. Man it is tough being a mom sometimes. Your heart just hurts sometimes.

I love my little family so much and just wish that I could be so much better than I am. Okay I'm rambling. Tomorrow I'm going to take my camera with me. :)


Julie said...

Kehau, I've seen you around your babies and you are the BEST mom!! Seriously, I learned A LOT from you! I'm so happy that 3 has been easier then you thought it'd be. WOW you are amazing. I'm glad that Tylana is taking a bottle. I was sooooooooo happy to give Maizie bottles too, it's so much easier when you have other kids. I'm dying that we can't hang out all the time like we used to. I miss you so much!!! Hang in there and don't stress about the camera thing. I think I took 3X as many pictures as Maizie their 1st years, I think that's just how it goes. BUT I'd LOVE to see pictures of your cute kids. We miss you!!!! lots of love. xoxo

Lindsey Hicks said...

Don't feel guilty. You are a great mom and those kiddos are all going to be just fine. If bottles are easier use bottles and don't sweat it.