This Christmas we spent in Idaho. I really missed my family!!!! Last year my parents came up to spend it with us and it was one of my best, I loved having them all to myself. This year, with the baby on the way in January, they decided to spend it in Hawaii and see me in January. The countdown begins. But it was still a nice Christmas here with the Molifua's. To start us off on the holiday season, Kira and Rick set up a caroling gig for the family at a retirement home. The Molifua's go caroling every year, and instead of going house to house, we decided to go to a retirement home. I'm so glad we did because it was freezing outside. Next we had our sister in law gift exchange party. It was so nice to get together with the girls, and eat some yummy food. Lanayia planned it this year, and she made an awesome salad, she said it was like a salad from cafe rio. But whatever it was, my mouth has been watering for it ever since. At the exchange we all bring about 3 dozens of some kind of Christmas treat. It was hard to taste every dish after filling myself up with the salad, but luckily we all get to take home a good portion of the treats. it took me 3 days to eat them all but i did it. ha! Then we had a Christmas eve dinner at Mom Molifua's house. She made prime rib and ham, it was oh so delicious. We had the neighbors over too, and Chanel just loved Mrs. Johnson. She cuddled with her almost the entire night. She was such a good girl, I think she got way too much meat to eat that night, that is why she was so mellow. After dessert we did our gift exchange and then went on our way. Here are pictures Tilera took. I'm not very good at taking pictures even though I take my camera with me every where we go!
Chanel in her cute Christmas outfit getting rubs from Mrs. Johnson all night. And me with my big belly. ![](
Lanayia and Maunayia
Imari and Matai
Chanel and Tahri. She can't wait to take her dress off.
2 comments: are dang cute!
Sounds like fun family get togethers.
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