Friday, August 17, 2012

1st Dentist Appointment

Tale went with his cousins to their dentist appointment and just had to go himself.  He begged me to take him, so I decided ah yeah, what am I waiting for?  I was so dreading this day because I thought he was going to be a booger.  But what a trooper!  He happily followed every instruction and I was just so proud of my big boy.  
 Leila was a little hesitant and was stuck to my leg while her brother was getting his xrays, but when it was her turn, she listened and did what they wanted.  Not happily or begrudgingly, but just being obedient.  I was so proud of her too.  She was so cute!
 He got to watch toy story while they cleaned his teeth and he was so happy.  He had this smile on his face the whole time!
 Leila said the light was too bright so they put these sunglasses on her.  She just laid there stiff the whole time with her mouth open.  Her favorite thing was when they sprayed water in her mouth and then sucked it out.
 At the end they said if you didn't have any cavities you got to go into the prize bucket.  Leila was all clear, but Tale had a couple small ones so he didn't get to go to the prize bucket.  I felt so bad for him and like the worst mother because afterall it is my fault he has cavities.  He was so excited though when they told him he had cavities, he was like mom mom I got cavities!!!  But not Leila only me, all proud.  I was like ahhh poor guy.  Then when they told him he couldn't get a prize I seriously just wanted to die.  I felt so bad for my little man.  He was like what? I don't get a prize only Lala?  But he walked her over there and helped her pick it out.  He was so cute.

So a couple of weeks later we went back to take care of those cavities.  They had to give him some anesthesia and when you sign the consent form they warn you for the worst. I had to sign off that I knew my son could die but I agree to give it to him and not hold them responsible.  I couldn't handle it, I was balling in the waiting room and said I can't sign this.  Are you telling me I'm risking my son's life for a cavity? And not even his permanent teeth but his baby teeth.  I was about to walk out of there, but then the dentist came out and calmed me down.  So off I signed and away we went.  It was the funniest thing to hear him talk when he was all drugged up.  I got a glimpse as to how he would be drunk.  hahaha, but he would never right?  He couldn't stop talking, and he did great.  My poor little guy.  But he totally does everything the dentist says.  I'm like sorry son no juice the dentist said no juice before bed, the dentist said no suckers, and on and on.  He he just says oh okay mom.  So hopefully no cavities at the next appointment.  


Lindsey Hicks said...

That is crazy - I can't believe they wouldn't let him get a prize! When I was a kid we always got a sticker or whatever dumb thing they gave out just for being a good patient (even if we weren't). Why punish a kid for something that could even be genetic?! So weird.

Sam, Julie, Tucker & Maizie said...

They are so cute!! Oh man they look so tiny in that big chair.